Tuesday, June 30, 2009

My view on Abortions

  I read a blog about abortions, and if they should be legal or not. A few interesting points came up in this blog, like why they should be legal and different peoples views on abortions. There are also people who are really Pro-Life and will do anything to get their way. I personally agree with both sides, because they are neither right or wrong. I think women should have the choice of having an abortion as long as the baby is still in the fetus stages.
I don't consider a fetus a baby so I think if the woman wants to have an abortion, they should go for it. Especially for girls in their teenage years. Although it is their fault, they should take the abortion as a serious wake up call and realize their mistakes. So if a woman decides to have a baby, I think it should her decision because it is her body.
People who are Pro-life and want the babies should not have any say in abortions. They are not the ones who have to carry the baby for 9 months and suffer through the hard months of pregnancy. Abortions help teenage girls a lot, because it gives them a second chance. A baby that early in some ones life ruins them. They throw their whole life away because of the baby and an abortion prevents that from happening while teaching the girl a lesson.
I think Abortions should be legal and I know people who have had them. They have learned from their mistakes and have taken more precaution. 

1 comment:

  1. i complete agree. Abortions are wrong when the baby is a full developed child. abortions (if needed) should be done in the first couple wks of concieving. Also girls get pregnant at young ages and are not ready to raise a chld but they did take the initiative to have sex, so it is their responsibilty. If the well being of the child if adoption or abortion then abort before the fetus is grown...once it is a baby it should be kept and put up for adoption. I can not see myself getting a abortion, i have a huge heart and i would feel like i took away a precious life. But PSA.. WEAR A CONDOM!!!
